Mimes Among Us

Look what my huband spotted on a park bench in Central Park this morning.  It belonged to the one of the girls behind us, waiting in line for tickets to tonight’s performance of Cymbeline.  Leave it to the Shakespeare in the Park campers: always an eclectic crowd.  #mimes #theydoexist


NYC Shakespeare in the Park is free, but you have to show up between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. and wait until noon on the sidewalk in a line that stretches out of sight in both directions to be assured tickets for that evening’s performance.  It’s a cheery, if sleepy, crowd that gathers with books (in print!), pillows, blankets, playing cards and Settlers of Catan. Entrepreneurs descend as well, with takeout menus, promising hot breakfasts in minutes.

Despite the street performers that often accost the crowds, there isn’t any place I’d rather be on Saturday morning than sitting on the ground, waiting for tickets, with some of the city’s finest…



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