Mr. (High) Maintenance: House Pest

Today was our first day off work since Edward arrived.  We wanted to show our hospitality, so we asked him what he wanted to do.  Edward said he’d always wanted to see Lady Liberty and eat pizza at a New York hole-in-the-wall pizzeria.  My husband and I were a little annoyed because it was stupidly cold today.  Also, we didn’t want to go to Manhattan.  However, we were very relieved that he hadn’t requested Times Square.  Liberty State Park we could deal with.  We asked if he would settle for pizza at a New Jersey hole-in-the-wall, because they are basically the same thing (and we are lazy.)  He said fine.

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Edward had a lot of fun at Liberty State Park.  Although my husband and I nearly lost a few fingers to frostbite, as Edward is a very, very slow walker.  He wanted to take a break every five minutes!

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After we left Liberty State Park, we headed over to Larry & Joe’s in Jersey City.  My husband and I discovered this great little family-owned hole-in-wall a couple of weeks ago.  We thought it fit the bill perfectly.

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Unfortunately, when we got there, it was closed.  The Philippine Bread House & Cafe across the street was not, so we stopped in.

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An enthusiastic patron waiting in line to buy some sweet bread thought we looked like tourists, so he thought he’d give us a tour.  He showed us all the different pies, breads and pastries and insisted we take pictures.  Then, he took us to the restaurant at the back of the bakery and showed us all the savory stuff too.  He said people come from miles away to buy sweets, even from Rhode Island!  We believed him because the place was absolutely hopping for a non-brunch spot on a Saturday morning.

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My husband and I were a little skeptical of the buffet, but we bought a couple of sweets.  Edward, on the other hand, insisted on buying lunch.  When he got it, he apparently hated everything.  He just pushed his food around his plate.  Lots of people were sitting in the bakery restaurant eating food and watching T.V.  Edward seemed to enjoy people-watching, because he wasn’t talking to us.  That was fine, because when the Filipino news program came on talking about the forty-four police officers that were killed in a twelve-hour shootout, my husband wasn’t talking to anyone either.

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We were feeling pretty guilty about Edward’s lunch, and after all, we’d promised pizza.  When we got out of the PBH, Larry & Joe’s was STILL closed, so we headed down to Pizza Masters in the Heights.  Pizza Masters is not quite as dazzling as Larry & Joe’s, but it is very reliable.  Thankfully, Edward was very pleased with his steaming hot grandma’s slice.

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We were all pretty tired after that and opted for a cozy evening home tonight.  We are looking at pictures from today, watching the Empire State Building light show from our living room window, and listening to “America” by Simon and Garfunkel.

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“Counting cars on the New Jersey Turnpike, they’ve all come to look for America.” – Simon & Garfunkel

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